Author: matt parrott (2 articles found) - Clear Search

Can The Average American Obtain Financial Freedom?



One Rental at a Time, one of the few YouTube channels I follow, recently had a video titled WARNING: The Average American Can Not Earn Financial Freedom. The title is obviously to grab your attention, however, I think the message was sound, the average American CAN reach Financial Freedom, BUT you CANNOT stay Average to achieve it. This is one of the most overlooked aspects of Financial Freedom, it requires a personal transformation and massive personal growth. You will need to learn personal finance, business strategies, and laws, become an expert in the market, become a master networker, negotiator, and more! If you go through all of this to obtain Financial Freedom, when you make it, you will no longer be average!

New Indiana Senate Bill's Shocking Regulations!


The new governing session is here, and the Indiana Senate is looking to impose new strict guidelines on landlords throughout the state. Some of these guidelines include new policies on pests, mold, and rot, and limits the landlord's ability to collect rent from tenants for non-compliance of these policies. Maybe the biggest change yet is the removal of the landlord's ability to even manage their own property without meeting certain criteria. 

Link to Senate Bill 277

Here is the bill:

Provides that the court may appoint a receiver upon request by a county, city, or town when the property owner of a multifamily residential property with more than four dwelling units has failed to pay damages, costs, or attorney's fees that have been incurred by the multifamily residential property in a nuisance action brought by the county, city, or town. Allows a city, county, or town to bring a nuisance action against a tenant or other person responsible for a nuisance. Defines "essential services" as certain services needed for the safe and habitable occupation by a tenant of the tenant's rental unit. Defines "essential systems" as certain systems used to deliver essential services to a rental unit. Requires a landlord to provide and maintain a rental premises that is free from the following: (1) P